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Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте...
      #99090 - 02/10/2003 12:53:23

Возможно мой отчет будет и неполным, но поделюсь здесь лишь тем, что знаю лично, без всяких литературных вымыслов и фантазий. Поэтому сразу оговорюсь, что конкурс - НЕТ.

1. Уличные точки (точнее точка). За все время моих многочисленных поезках по Финляндии я поимел информацию (и опыт) только по одному из таких мест (а может их там и нет больше ...). Хельсинки. Улица Алексис Кивен Кату.(Alexis Kiven katu) и несколько маленьких улочек ее пересекающих. Девок мало. Днем как правило большей частью стоЯт финки. Ближе к вечеру и ночью - русские. Те финки что я видел - откровенно наркоманского вида (у нас на Просвещения и то приятнее), поэтому услугами не пользовался, но ценой для информации поинтересовался. Минет 30-50 евро. Секс 50-70. По-русски не говорят, по-английски говорят крайне плохо. Вечерние русские в том же месте выглядят немного более "прилично". Цены примерно те же, торг уместен (они даже радуются, видя русскую рожу в подъезжающей машине), один раз воспользовался услугами девочки из Петрозаводска, была достигнута договоренность на 60евро за час, чему и я и девочка в итоге были весьма рады...

2. Клубы
Довольно много проституток можно найти в ночных клубах (видимо специально для этого и организованых). Я был только в одном таком, думаю, что в других ситуация отличается не сильно. Опять-таки Хельсинки, клуб Микадо, 100 метров через дорогу от Стокманна. Вход 8 или 9 евро(не помню) + 2 евро за гардероб(дело было зимой). Клуб представляет из себя по сути дела несколько помещений, в одном из которых находится бар. Что меня поразило, так это то, что фей на момент моего прихода было несколько больше, чем желающих их поиметь. Я был там ради собственного любопытства, поэтому решил понаблюдать со стороны за происходящим. Пока я наблюдал 3 или 4 раза ко мне подходили девушки (русские) и пытались заговорить со мной (по-фински ). Из разговоров с ними мне удалось выяснить следующую информацию, могущую быть полезным для КЛСников. 1 час - 120 евро, 2 часа - 200 евро. К закрытию клуба (кажется 3 ночи) цены снижаются на 2 часа можно договориться за 120-150 евро. Имейте в виду, что многие феи в Финляндии, говоря 1 час, подразумевают один раз (это потому, как финны в большинстве своем на большее не способны), поэтому стоит заранее уточнить. Предполагается, что девочка посетит вашу гостиницу, но в некоторых случаях может позвать и к себе (обычно они живут на съемных комнатах и хозяева не всегда позволяют им водить гостей). p.s. Конечно же большинство девочек русские, но есть также и эстонки и кто-то еще...

3. Интернет
Интернет довольно сильно развит в Финляндии и доходит до того, что в одной и той же фирме сотрудники вместо того, чтобы сходить из одного помещения в другое или вместо того, чтобы позвонить, частенько просто шлют емайл... Не смотря на это в области секс-услуг интернет в Финляндии находится в большем зародыше, чем в деревне "Старые Писюки". Все что мне удалось откапать - это 2 ресурса:

второй на мой взгляд более интересен тем, что там есть раздел с указанием девочек с телефонами и разбиением по городам. Сразу бросается в глаза, что наибольшая концентрация фей отмечается в Хельсинки и Турку (прайс примерно тот же 80е-полчаса, 120е-час, 200е-2часа). Есть там еще и форум аналогичный нашему, но без знания финского языка делать там нечего...

Собственно, что знал, то и рассказал. Если кому что есть добавить - было бы интересно.


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Гео: Питер
Еще [Re: Traxer]
      #103437 - 10/11/2003 03:32:00


Date: 25 May 1995 01:45:25 +0100

hamlet is the best bar

the girls are free if they like you

Date: 10 Aug 1995 07:13:20 GMT

The previous World Sex Guide entry for Finland praised the Hamlet bar
in Helsinki and told that "the girls are free, if they like you."
This is probably somewhat confused. Apparently foreigners can find
one night stands rather easily in Helsinki, and here the women are
more willing to take the initiative for casual sex than in many other

Some of the strip clubs have a significant presence of prostitutes:
Bar Lulu (Bulevardi 7), King's Kakadu (Iso-Roobertinkatu 20-22) and
Pikku Pietari (Ratakatu 9). Most prostitutes are Estonians and Russians,
with a sprinkling of other nationalities; Finns have apparently been
pushed to other channels. Usually the women expect you to make the
first contact, although some of them occasionally approach quite
directly a likely-looking candidate. I have been asked a few times
"Do you want to make love?", usually without any preliminaries,
although I usually pay attention only to the dancers. Not all
the women in the clubs are prostitutes, so some care is needed to avoid
embarrasing situations, but the prostitutes are really fairly easy
to recognize amid the dancers and female patrons. Most prostitutes
arrive to the clubs only after midnight, so some patience may
provide a better selection and a stronger negotiation position.
According to a newspaper article, a typical price for one hour
of 'full service' is 1000mk (about $250), but another quoted
a 'quick fuck' even as low as at 300mk ($75). Presumably the
truly gorgeous girls can command even higher prices.

The strip clubs are probably the most reliable and convenient
place for picking up a prostitute. There is some street prostitution
in Helsinki, but that is quite inconvenient during the chilly winter.
Right now the hotspot is said to be Aleksis Kiven katu, especially
near the corner of Fleminginkatu. The prices apparently range
from 200mk ($50) to 1000mk ($250). The first streetwalkers
can be seen as early as 6 pm, but things won't get really busy
until 9 pm, and the activity peaks around midnight. In 1994 the
hotspot was Vaasankatu, and since residents in the neighbourhood are
again complaining loudly enough to make the newspapers, I expect
that the business may be pushed somewhere else soon.

Before there were any strip clubs, prostitutes could be found in
ordinary night clubs and bars, e.g. the night club of Hotel Hesperia
was infamous for its 'meat counter'. Things may now be somewhat
different, but it is quite possible that some prostitutes still
use the night clubs for contacting clients who are unlikely to
visit a strip club. The other typical channels for obtaining
sexual services are even more uncertain. As far as I know, the
public saunas and massage parlours don't have any 'special services',
and the two escort services listed in the Helsinki telephone
directory Yellow Pages are supposed to provide just classy,
non-sexual company for public occasions.

There's one more thing; those escort services available on our yellow
pages are said to also cover sexual services. This is illegal, and
that's why you propably will run into a problem trying to find out
what the price for a fuck is, if you want to be honest. The girls are
luxury, reliable and hi-priced (1000mk and up).

Date: Sat, 9 Sep 1995 20:36:50 UTC

You have skipped one very important nightclub called Kaivohuone. It's
an old style house of 'rich-and-famous' with a large garden capable up
to 1000 peoples (+ another 1000 inside). It takes 30 FIM to get in,
weeknight are OK only in summertime, friday is quiet but saturday
totally full from 10-11 pm (until 4 am closing). Climate has just
changed to cover over 70% ladies, also hookers, but you can't find
them so easily from all the others. Good, LOUD music, many
cover-peoples, some Hollywood related ownership (Renny Harlin), placed
in middle of a park in ocean side, only 10 minutes walk from Helsinki

You mentioned Hamlet. It's Ok, but only 20% of size.

Date: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 11:13:58 UTC

Helsinki, Finland
Escort service rates

Escort service finland: 1500mk for two hours. I believe they have only a
couple of girls. Extra costs may be high.
phone: 9400 445050

International escorts: 2000mk for two hours. 3000mk for the night. Many
girls from various countries. very pro. No extra costs.
phone: 9200 863986

Both services open when they please and usually leave the answering
machine on for you to leave a message. there are only two agencies and
little competition... maybe there is not that much business...

Lulu, the nightclub is a great place too and the prices are usually
better but on a cold helsinki night the escort services earn their

Subject: prostitution in finland
Date: Sat, 14 Sep 1996 10:17:14 +0300

I have an update information for your knowledge of prostitution in

If you want sex quick in Helsinki (the capital city), you can to bar
called King's Kakadu.It's striptease bar and there are almost always
hookers looking for customers, even at daytime.Girls are mostly
Estonian and Russian, but there are few Finns,too. Second place in
Helsinki is "meat street" called "Aleksanterinkatu".There, if you have
car, you can get BJ or fuck in nearby abandoned industry area.Prices
vary from about 20 to 60 $ (BJ) and 40 to 100 $ (fuck).

Date: Tue, 25 Feb 1997 12:16:46 -0800
Subject: Prostitution in Finland

One sad news about prostitution in Helsinki, Finland:

Bar LULU is closed! They have no license to continue operating.

The best place in Helsinki is now restaurant Pikku-Pietari. There is
usually around 20-30 prostitued. Prices varies between 600 and 1.500 FIM
(around 120 to 300 USD) for 1-2 hour "normal" service.

Contacting them is easy, and girls are coming in around 9pm already.
After midnight prices goes down, because restaurant closes 2am.

Quality of girls is excellent. They don't have any drug-related
problems, and usually they don't even drink alcohol.

You are also able to go to your own hotel/home with them. Price are then
ofcourse about 10% higher.

Thank You for a very good page!

Date: Sat, 22 Mar 1997 23:33:44 +0200 (EET)
Subject: Information on Helsinki, Finland

There aren't much prostitutes around Aleksis Kiven Katu any longer.
Currently they are said to hang around Paaskylankatu (I hope you got the
scandinavian characters right. If there are weird characters in the name
of the street, they are a:s with two dots side by side on top of it).
The bar Pikku Pietari has recently burned down.

Subject: Update to Sex Guide Finland/Helsinki entry
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 1997 17:11:10 +0000 (EET)

In case you are interested, the bimontly local magazine
CITYLEHTI <URL:http://www.city.fi/english/index.php> ran in
March a lengthy article on 'Helsinki hardcore', including
the prostitution scene. They used the information in the
World Sex Guide entry for Finland/Helsinki as their starting
point, and were even courteous enough to give the reference...

The Sex Guide entry of "September 14, 1996" contains a silly
blunder: it reports Aleksanterinkatu as the "meat street"
of Helsinki. That street is actually one of the main
shopping streets, which private cars cannot enter. Since
the street passes the Presidential Palace, the police is
rather likely to remove quickly any undesirable loiterers, too.
The real "meat street" is "Aleksis Kiven katu", which indeed
is next to an industrial area. However, at the moment the
hotspot is said to be "Paaskylankatu", one of the neighbouring

The strip clubs are still the most convenient spot, if you
want to pick up a Russian or Estonian prostitute. However,
LuLu was closed down due to the end of their lease; the
same address has a new restaurant, but that one is supposed
to frown at 'ladies of the night'. Pikku Pietari was torched by
an arsonist on March 20th, 1997 and hardly reopens soon. Now the
only options are "King's Kakadu" (Iso-Roobertinkatu 20-22),
and maybe "Mermaid" (Malminrinne 4), but in the past only few
prostitutes frequented the latter club.

However, the police estimates the Helsinki metropolitan area
to have about two hundred Russian and Estonian prostitutes
out of a total of a thousand. The Russians can obviously be
found at the strip clubs, but all the rest must be operating
somewhere else.

In the past prostitutes used the personals columns in newspapers
to advertise their services in a very low-key manner. Now
the biggest local paper "Helsingin Sanomat" is running a
voice mail dating service with the contact ads under the
heading "Ystavaa etsimassa", next to the old-fashioned personals.
The contents are the same as always: real personals interspersed
with ambiguously worded ads from prostitutes - the only real
difference is the quicker turn-around time offered by the voice
mail. "Paivakahvit" is still a popular code phrase, but you
probably will still have problems decoding the intent unless
your Finnish is fluent. However, some of the ads are obviously
from male prostitutes offering services to women - *something*
has changed during the nineties.

Subject: Helsinki
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 15:17:39 PDT

Hi Atta,

I'm coming back from Helsinki....
The easyest way to find a prostitute in Helsinki is to go in a strip tease
bar (they call it Erotic restaurant). The best one was Lulu's but it's
closed now. The only one which is still open is King Kakadu (Iso-Robertin
katu). Entrance is 55 markkas and a beer is normal price for Helsinki (20
markkas). There are two kind of girls in this bar: the dancers and the
hookers. There is a non-stop show in the podium, the girl is dancing. She is
often completely naked at the end of the show, if you go on Sunday; it's so
quiet that the girl is very often dancing against you for a couple of
seconds, I don't have to say what is the effect for you. End of April one of
the dancers was the French X-actress Julia Chanel. I remember having her
legs around my neck (no knickers...). Between the shows, the dancers come to
you to propose you a "private show" in a cabin. This private show is a very
"hot" strip tease show just for you (one of them used a candle to simulate
orgasm). 15 min of private show cost 150 markkas. You usually allow to touch
the bust of the woman but some of them accept that you touch more (sometimes
for 200 markkas). The other girls are hookers, all from Estonia and Russia.
If you are a good looking man, they will come to you and propose you company
for the night. Normally, you have to start speaking with her. A complete
night in your hotel is about 1000 markkas but if you are not too bad you can
have a couple of hours for 500 markkas (which is I think the minimum). When
you have decided (they usually ask you to pay a drink first), you go with
her until your hotel (you have to pay the taxi - 35-40 markkas - and the
cloakroom - 20 markkas). I had a very good experience with Leena which is
Estonian and spend three hours with me in my hotel for 500 markkas. She was
very kind and accepted to do a lot of things (lick, fuck, suck, kiss,...)
Her phone number is [censored] if you want a direct contact.


Subject: Helsinki, Finland
Date: Sat, 03 May 97 12:46:15 PDT

Updates on hot spots in Helsinki, Finland (May 3, 1997)

As girlie bars "Pikku Pietari" and "Bar Lulu" do not exist anymore, the
highest concentration of proffessional ladies in Helsinki can now (May 97)
be found at two restaurants:

The striptease club "MERMAID" (Malminrinne 4, close to the SAS hotel) in
now crowded almost every night until closing time 2 AM. Entrance fee FIM 50
(=USD 10) +FIM10 (=USD 2) for the bouncer. The show is lousy and the
bartender (owner?) makes no secret of the fact that he hates his job,
especially serving customers who don't even speak Finnish properly. But the
female customers are there for one reason only. Prices vary from FIM 600 to
FIM 1000 (=USD 120-200).

Restaurant "MIKADO" (Mannerheimintie 6, opposite to the Swedish Theatre) is
a "normal" restaurant (food/bar/dancing) open until 4 AM. The clientel is
not as drunk as at "Mermaid", the staff is friendly & efficient, the
toilets are clean, and the atmosphere has more class. Since end of April
97, most of the females are proffessionals. Prices from FIM 600 to FIM 1500
(=USD 120-300).

Subject: Update to Sex Guide Finland/Helsinki entry
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 16:08:09 +0000 (EEST)

Some changes in the Helsinki prostitution scene have become
apparent during the year 1997. The strip clubs, which used
to be the visible focal point for sex business have been
strongly curtailed, but the result has of course just been
that prostitution has moved elsewhere.

Now that only two strip clubs are left, Russian prostitutes
have 'taken over' restaurant "Mikado" (Mannerheimintie 6,
same entrance as movie theatre Studio 123, but 2nd floor).
It used to be a favourite of Finnish members of parliament
and the business elite but not any more. The women in the
strip clubs, King's Kakadu and Mermaid, are nowadays less
good looking than they used to be; maybe they have moved
over to Mikado, since it has the advantage that the cover
charge is much cheaper there being no show to justify it.
This might not last, since there have been some public
disturbances with Russian guys fistfighting over some
particular woman; the management is probably less than

As the number of strip clubs has gone down, another
development has been the appearance of private shows
in sex shops. Many of these even provide full body
massage... The advertised fees seem to be US$ 20 - 60;
with additional tips at least hand jobs might be
a likely occurence. During the summer a newspaper
article also revealed that already for some years
the women in some massage parlours had provided
'intimate massage', i.e. handjobs. Apparently the
parlours most likely to provide such complete service
were the ones - somewhat unsurprisingly - staffed
by Thai or Vietnamese women. From the customer
point of view the problem is that it is being done
very quietly and really even without the manager
being aware of it, so finding the right place may be
difficult; you may as well wind up in an embarrassing
situation with a middle-aged Oriental lady who
never was going to do more than give a good back-rub.

Another newspaper article probed the secrets of the
few escort services. Some of them apparently
expected their girls to provide sexual services,
but they are telling prospective new girls that this
is not the case - despite the promised huge income.
So when a customer gets a girl after paying a hefty fee,
she may turn out to be a blue-eyed innocent who will
scream "rape" if the guy gets too friendly. *Some*
girls apparently stay in the business, so maybe
they have gotten the point. Does not sound like
too reliable a way to get sex... Run that way it
is very much against Finnish law, anyway.

Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 18:02:28 +0100 (MET)
Subject: Helsinki - Finland

Hi Atta.

This is a report from Helsinki, Finland, where I've been on the first
week of march, 1998.
I was there for only 24 hours, but could go direct to the point thank
to the World Sex Guide.

The Mikado, as reported earlier, is still the place for
I went there at around 23pm on a monday night, and there were more
than fifty women, nearly all of them russian.
I rapidly chose the most good looking one, who came along to my table
after a quick meaningful eyelook i gave her.
She said her name was Irina, but I assume it is fake, 27 years
old. After a while she asked me what my plans were, and asked me
1000 FIM (about 180 USD) to come along to my hotel. I am not the
bargaining type so I agreed. She stayed there with me while I was
eating, talking nicely about various things, as if we had gone there
together. She seemed to like my attitude, which was of having a good
time not only in bed but all the time.
Then we went to the hotel (she aked me 20 FIM to pay the wardrobe
service, plus I paid 40 to the taxi driver)
At the hotel reception she filled a form, pretending she was from
Poland. I think the receptionist knew exactly what was going on, but
pretended not to. In fact she wasn't asked for identity, nor for
passport number, which I was asked when checking in.

When we got in my room, after a while she went to the toilet, where
she took a shower, then I did the same, then when I got back she told
me to lie on the bed and did a private striptease for me, which she
did in a really nice way, joking and smiling, without any hurry.
She then did me hand without condom, then put the condom on, and
gave me head, then we made love. She let me touch her and
kiss her everywhere, and she did the same. She really was good
looking and passionate, I would say that if she wasn't a hooker you
could think she was a model: blonde, blue eyes, about 175cm tall, 3
to 4 bra size, long thin legs and an amazing bottom. I dunno whether
she would do greek which I did not ask for, but I assume she'd agree.

She stayed with me for an overall time of about 3 hours,
including dinner, 1 and a half of which in my hotelroom.

If you ever go to Helsinki do go to the Mikado, but please remember
to always be nice to those girls.

The following day I want for a drink to the King Kakadu, it was
around 7pm, and I had a plane taking off at 10:30 pm so it was just
to have a look.
As soon as i got in a 21 years old russian girl came by and asked me
if I wanted to spend some of my time with her. All the girls were not
as pretty as those in the Mikado, but some of them were reasonable.
I explained her I had no time, so she asked me if I would buy
her a meal, which I did in a Pizza Hut nearby.
During this meal i found out that, as many other russian girls, she
now and again takes a break form her job in Moscow, goes to Helsinki
for a couple of weeks, where she makes more money than she'd make in
Moscow with her normal job in a whole year. She'd take 100 USD for
half an hour, and 2000 FIM (360 USD) for the whole night.

One last thing: the Mermaid still exists, though I did not go there, and
I was told thet a new erotic bar has just opened, btu I could not
find out its name. ALl I know is that it apparently is on a floating
house, so somewhere in the harbor I would assume.

Bye for now

Han Solo

Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 21:58:09 EDT
Subject: Re: Helsinki

Visited Helsinki last week May 1998:

The best places to find Russian and Estonia hookers are at the Mikado
Nightclub and Restaurant and King Kakadu Strip Club, both about 10 minutes
walk from each other.

Mikado - four Stars
Across for the Swedish theatre which is next to the Central Train Station.
This place is a little more high class with your bankers and professional type
standing around a big circular bar with booths around the parameter. No
entertainment, just a meat market. I was swarmed by women as soon as I
entered (probably because I am Japanese). Very aggressive and most are 8-9s
and few 10s. The going rate is 1000 markka or about 200 bucks US per hour.
Most in the 20-29 year old range. You pay for the taxi to your hotel and her's

King Kakadu - three Stars
On a pedestrian mall around the corner east and about 4 blocks from Mikado.
Big stage and very friendly staff and atmosphere. More ladies than guys when
I was there. Most are a little or alot older and even fat. But nice 7-8s in
the 29-32 year old range with weathered but nice bodies. What they lack in
youth they make up is enthusiasm and patience. Unlike the hurried wham-bang
atmosphere of Mikado (above). Same price though. Even though I give it only
3-Stars, I prefer it to the Mikado. But then I also prefer to stay at Holiday
Inns over Inter-continential hotel - its a little more downhome.

Have fun,


Finland - Top - Countries - Search - Usenet search for "Helsinki"

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Гео: Питер
Ну и если Вы НР и деньги ляжку жгут ;-) [Re: Traxer]
      #103438 - 10/11/2003 03:36:51


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Гео: в пути
Re: Старовата инфа... [Re: aldar-kose]
      #103453 - 10/11/2003 10:28:38

Все что там сказано - 5..8 лет давности. Да и к тому же дальше баров/клубов в центре Хельсинки американский секс-турист никогда в Финляндии не бывал. А хочется поглубже копнуть.
На днях собираюсь в командировку туда в очередной раз. Проверю еще пару наколок на рыбные места. Если будет удачно, то отпишу.

Кстати, вот интересная ссылочка


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Гео: в пути
Re: Чего-то я не понял, какое отношение это к финляндии имеет? [Re: aldar-kose]
      #103454 - 10/11/2003 10:30:59

Если в плане выезда в любую точку мира, то их и в Питер пригласить можно )


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Гео: Питер
Re: Старовата инфа... [Re: Traxer]
      #103510 - 10/11/2003 17:27:28

И я собираюсь. Не уверен что кем-либо воспользуюсь, но постараюсь маркетинговое иссленование провести.

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Гео: Питер
Re: Чего-то я не понял, какое отношение это к финляндии имеет? [Re: Traxer]
      #103511 - 10/11/2003 17:32:36

Эээ... чего-то вчера мне показалось что это финское агенство.
Вроде грибов никаких не ел. Попробую выяснить почему мне так показалось. Извиняйте если что. ;-)

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Гео: в пути
Re: свежие впечатления [Re: Traxer]
      #103664 - 11/11/2003 23:54:06

От одного товарища была получена информация, что в деревне Лапинярви, что между Коуволой и Порвоо есть мотель, в котором постоянно тусуются 5..15 дев с относительно недорогой ценой по ихним ценам за трах. Первоисточник информации - финский форум, поэтому оригинал я даже и читать не пытался (неграмотный я по-фински). Взглянув на карту и увидев, что крюк получается не шибко большой решил заехать. Попал туда около 9 часов вечера (здесь и далее время местное). Да, есть такая деревня и есть там мотель (или отель - не суть, он там один около заправки прямо у дороги). Только вот в нем не только баб, там вообще никого не было... Но, видимо информация дошла до меня с искажениями и имелось в виду, что бабы тусуются там с четверга по воскресенье, когда там в баре/ресторане какая-то развлекательная программа есть (там куча всяких афиш про танцы/концерты и т.д. висит и судя по датам все приходится на четверг-воскресенье). Так что если у кого будет возможность заехать туда в выходные - не сочтите за труд. Да, может кому это будет полезно - номера 42 и 55 евро за ночь (1 и 2х местный).

Хельсинки. 10:30-11:00 вечера. На Алексис Кивен кату ни одной работающей деффки. Ни финок, ни русских. Вообще нет! Позже около часу ночи та же картина.
Микадо. Все как обычно. Девок куча. Подходят сами и предлагают свои услуги. 200евро за пару часов удовольствие. Некоторые готовы ехать только к клиенту, некоторые могут принять у себя.
Еще одна съемная точка была "открыта" мной буквально в 20 метрах от Микадо. Бар на 1м этаже гостиницы Марски. Свободный и бесплатный (в отличии от Микадо, где вход 9е + 2е за гардероб) вход с улицы. Больше пространства чем в Микадо. Минусы - баб меньше. При мне было около 6..7 русских и одна негритянка (!!). У меня уж слюнки потекли даже (вспоминая мою поездку в Доминикану). Но все встало на круги своя, когда я вспомнил про их неДоминиканский прайс.

Вот такая грустная история...


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Гео: Питер
Re: Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте... [Re: Traxer]
      #107514 - 06/12/2003 21:41:15

Srazu sorry za latinnitsu. Ja v Helsinki. Tut voobshe klevo, no vot na Alexis Kiven katu ne tolko deffok, voobshe ludei ne bylo vecherom.
Mozhet potomu chto holodno segodnia. Da i ulitsa u cherta na rogah :-( V kakoe vremja tam sleduet pojavlatsa i na kakoi storone otnositelno Sturenkatu? S zapadnoi ili s vostochnoi?

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Гео: в пути
Re: Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте... [Re: aldar-kose]
      #107522 - 06/12/2003 23:06:15

Блин, карты нет под рукой. Я там видел девок в районе заправки Shell.

p.s. в последние разы там как и у тебя - не было никого.....


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Гео: Питер
Re: Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте... [Re: Traxer]
      #110617 - 23/12/2003 22:54:14

Короче, блядообразных видел только возле Микадо поздно ночью, но у меня были уже другие планы.

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Гео: в пути
Re: Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте... [Re: aldar-kose]
      #110688 - 24/12/2003 10:40:32

Вообще у меня такое мнение, что есть смысл туда брать с собой кого-нибудь. И бюджетней выйдет, и наверняка не холостой выстрел


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Гео: Питер
Re: Кто здесь про Финляндию спрашивал ? Читайте... [Re: Traxer]
      #110694 - 24/12/2003 11:19:37

Ты абсолютно прав, коллега. Особенно если едешь на Силье ;-)

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