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Повторюсь - КС (и только 1) - 50 Евро, + немного инфы из путеводителя (+) [ #212915 ]
      17/01/2005 19:05:16

Взято из путеводителя по Амстердаму. Привожу в оригинале, переводить некогда, но кто знает аглицкий, оценит:

Red Light district

The police of the RED LIGHT DISTRICT welcomes you.

Amsterdam is a beautiful and free city. But not everything is allowed, there are rules. This is the oldest part of town which offers you a variety of entertainment and culture. It is also a place where many families live with their children, who care a lot for their peace and privacy. So please respect their neighborhood.

This article is meant to make your visit a safe and happy one, it also explains some of the tourist traps, but most of all it is meant to keep peace in this small village inside Amsterdam.

Have fun, while reading it and enjoy our Amsterdam.

Normal behaviour

Too much alcohol often causes irresponsible and childish behaviour. Undressing in public, jumping in canals etc. etc. Please don't make a fool of yourself. People who live here do not appreciate any of this. Have fun but show some respect.

Screaming and shouting

Especially in the evenings and during the nights it causes great disturbances to the people who live here and who are sleeping and have to get up early. Sing along in pubs, have fun, but be quiet on the streets. Remember the fine that can await you.

Urinating in public

Dirty habit, always committed by men. If you are caught, the fine will be ? 45,38, to be paid immediately at the police station. Don't ruin our houses or monuments. You can either go in one of the bars and tip the bartender for using his toilet or use one of the public toilets. You also can go to a police station.

Alcohol use on the streets

Drink your beers inside the bars or on the terraces. When you are too drunk on the streets it can get you in trouble in two ways: Either you can get arrested by us or worse, you will be an easy victim for the pickpockets or the robbers.

Pickpocketing / Robberies with violence

Both lousy crimes, but as in most cities it happens. Especially in crowded places, narrow alleys, public transport etc. When you are a victim of these crimes, or any other crime, go to one of the police stations. We can take a statement, cancel your credit-cards and offer you other useful telephone numbers and addresses (Consulates): It is important to remember the spot of the crime and, if possible, give a description of the attacker(s). Try to avoid problems. Don't take valuable items with you on the streets. Try to leave them in the save/deposit box of the hotel.


If you visit one of the women, we would like to remind you, they are not always women. Don't take pictures of the women, it might get you in trouble. Outside on the streets, don't shout or use bad language towards these women. Show some respect. In case you have any problem with a girl or a pimp, don't hesitate to ask a policeman/woman, we know why you're here and you can hardly surprise us anymore. When you are confronted with prostitutes on the street, that’s not allowed and dangerous!

Hard Drugs

Cocaine, heroin, LSD, ecstasy etc are strictly forbidden. Buying drugs on the streets is one of the biggest tourist traps in Amsterdam. From the moment you arrive in Amsterdam, people will offer you drugs. These drugs are always fake (washing powder, sugar, rat poison, vitamin С tablets). On top of that you also may encounter violence. You may be forced to hand over your wallet, as soon as you want to pay for the fake drugs. Don't do it.

Soft drugs

You can visit a coffeeshop to buy a small amount of soft drugs for your own personal use. If you are under 18 years old, you are not allowed to enter a coffeeshop or buy anything. When you feel sick after smoking or eating space cake, drink lots of water with sugar, something sweet will put you right again. Don't use soft drugs in regular bars and other places, not everybody likes the smell of a joint. Be careful mixing alcohol and soft drugs, or any other drugs.

Fake police-officers

Lately we are confronted with persons, impersonating police-officers. They approach tourists and identify as Dutch police-officers. Their objective is to find valuable belongings in your clothes. You will be visitated by them. Read the identification carefull.

Parking is not free

As soon as you park your car, you must pay. Not paying means you run the risk of being wheel clamped or worse, your car being towed away. In both cases it will cost you a lot of money. Look at the parking tickets machines for more specific information.

So have fun, but respect this neighborhood, and Amsterdam.

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* Вопрос по красным фонарям  lexxxus    14/01/2005 15:22:54 
. * * Повторюсь - КС (и только 1) - 50 Евро, + немного инфы из путеводителя (+)  Spiny    17/01/2005 19:05:16 
. * * Re: Вопрос по красным фонарям  Barclaylt    15/01/2005 23:41:10 
. * * Re: Вопрос по красным фонарям  Баламут    14/01/2005 19:41:25 
. * * Re: Ответ по красным фонарям (+)  Jackpot    14/01/2005 17:02:57 
. * * выходит - цены не меняются?-  lexxxus    14/01/2005 17:26:07 
. * * Re: Вопрос по красным фонарям  С - КОТ    14/01/2005 16:55:14 
. * * Блин! Да это ж халява!  lexxxus    14/01/2005 17:24:27 
. * * Re: Блин! Да это ж халява!  С - КОТ    14/01/2005 17:50:46 
. * * Re: Вопрос по красным фонарям  Che_    14/01/2005 16:50:22 
. * * однако!  lexxxus    14/01/2005 17:20:25 
. * * Re: однако!  Che_    14/01/2005 17:26:27 
. * * а вот по таким местам...  lexxxus    14/01/2005 18:19:16 
. * * Re: а вот по таким местам...  Che_    14/01/2005 20:13:00 
. * * Re: Вопрос по красным фонарям  kroman    14/01/2005 16:45:13 
. * * как же там люди живут то...  sdgp    14/01/2005 16:58:56 
. * * Re: как же там люди живут то...  Che_    14/01/2005 17:06:58 
. * * Re: как же там люди живут то...  Бяка    14/01/2005 19:11:55 

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Модератор(ы):  Совет Модераторов, Вых, ПионЭр 74, ЮристЪ 

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